Prof. RW (Bill) Carter
Professor, Heritage Resource Management.
University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, AUSTRALIA.
Bill is a graduate in forestry and marine biology, but his doctoral dissertation was on tourism and cultural change. His early career was as a national park interpretive specialist and a park manager, and then a consultant to government and the private sector in environmental impact assessment and tourism development planning. In the 1990s he entered academia at the University of Queensland to lead the environmental tourism program and later the University of the Sunshine Coast to head their environmental science programs. He is past Director of USC International Development and has now returned to the USC Sustainability Research Centre. His more recent research work has been on sustainable and community-based tourism, especially in Cambodia and Eastern Indonesia. Bill has published more than 200 scholarly works and is editor of the Australasian Journal of Environmental Management.
Technology Solutions to Key Issues in Tourism
Key issues for (sustainable) tourism are the reliable supply of potable water and energy, and treatment and disposal of human waste. This is particularly the case in rural areas and islands where centralised services are not provided by governments. Failure to address these fundamental needs can result in significant environmental and human health impacts and, at best, dissatisfied clients. At worst, from a tourism perspective, can be the loss of confidence in the attraction or destination and subsequent decline in visitor numbers and business failure. How these services are delivered is rarely in the mind of the tourist, but if reliability is not assured, a sustainable business is unlikely. I present (1) some of the hidden impacts that result from poor planning of infrastructure services, (2) some technological solutions successfully used in remote tourist locations, but (3) highlight that low-tech, which works with nature, may be a viable solution, especially for waste water management.
Key wordsTourism, technology, water pollution, solar energy, ecotourism, islands, remote locations

Prof. Eddy Yusuf
Professor, (SGS) School of Graduate Studies.
Vice President , Global Affairs Director, International Centre for Halal Studies (ICHLAS)
Management and Science University, Shah Alam Selangor, MALAYSIA.
Prof. Dr. Eddy Yusuf obtained his bachelor degree in Pharmacy from Universitas Indonesia in 1992, his Master in Clinical Pharmacy from Universiti Sains Malaysia in 1998 & Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutics from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2006. He used to be a researcher in Department of R&D of PT Kalbe Farma (Pharmaceutical industry, Indonesia) and as a clinical pharmacist in Fatmawati Hospital in Indonesia. Prof Eddy serves as a founder Dean of School of Pharmacy, Management & Science University (MSU) in 2008. He also serves as a founder Director of ICHLAS in MSU, Malaysia.
He has received numerous of awards, some of which are such as FAPA Nagai-CP award in 2004, received in Bangkok and Nagai Travel Grant 2005 to Geneva. Prof. Eddy has been awarded as a prominent national scientist award by Malaysian Government in 2006, and he is also the recipient of ISFI (Indonesian Pharmacy Association) award for cancer research and represents ISFI for FIP conference in Salvador 2006, Brazil.
Prof Eddy’s research in development of ‘palm oil-based nano-emulsion for intravenous purpose’ has been awarded in local and international forum and his research finding has been patented in Malaysia. Currently, Prof Eddy is actively conducting research in area of Halal Pharmaceutical and Cosmeceutical to establish database for halal products as well as to develop halal raw material replacement for pharmaceutical and cosmetics products. The International Centre for Halal Studies (ICHLAS) that currently he is leading, has been established in Malaysia and Japan and become one of referral center for halal issues, including development of halal module, halal training, consultancy, and research.
Prof. Eddy was the president of AFPS in year 2011-2012 and the chairman of AFPS Conference Year 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Currently he serves as a Vice President of AFPS.
Halal Life Style: from the perspective of Science & Technology
Halal is an Arabic word, which means permissible or lawful while the opposition word is Haram, which means unlawful or prohibited. Both terms refer to the Islamic Law (Shariah). Halal always comes with its counterpart Toyyibah (means pure and clean). It is become a standard of Muslim life style. Currently, halal is not only for the Muslims, but also healthy choice for non-Muslims.
The increasing demand for halal products and services pushed halal as driver for socio economic growth. It will continue to grow with the increase in global population, especially the Muslims. It is forecasted in 2030 that Muslim will cover 27% of the global population. Thus, the Halal industry is the fastest growing global business across the world. The global halal commodity becomes a huge market of USD 2.3 trillion (excluding banking) and is expected to grow each year.
Awareness of the need and importance of Halal products and services have also increased. Our latest survey in five Asia countries showed that the level of awareness towards halal cosmetic products are considered quite high, where 79% of our respondents are aware of the term halal cosmetic, and 88% are familiar with the halal logo in the products. The respondent ranking chooses the halal as the first concern followed by quality, then brand and finally price. A study on halal awareness conducted among academicians in various universities in Malaysia shows that the population has good knowledge regarding halal pharmaceuticals. Majority of the respondents (99.4%) scored 50% and above. Results showed that 97.6% of the respondents were aware of the term “Haram” and only 2.4% were unaware. Total of 94.1% respondents whom were aware of the term “Halal pharmaceutical” showed a significant association with respect to race (p=0.024) and religion (p=0.01), while 5.9% were unaware. Almost all (95.9%) respondents knew that Muslim patients need Halal medicines, only a negligible percentage (4.1%) was unaware
Science and Technology plays important role in development of Halal Industries, which are include development of non-halal materials detection methods, development of products processing technology, development of IT application to support halal life style, development of tracking technology, halal logistics, etc. The academic institutions can include halal in the curriculum and recognize the crucial role of Scinece &Technology and R&D in advancing this particular industry.
MSU, through ICHLAS has initiated to take responsibility in finding the replacement of non-halal raw materials, development of halal analysis method, as well as developing the awareness of halal concept and producing the expertise in halal industries. The program includes the development of the halal training modules across the university, establishment of halal research center, and development of halal executive program.
The current research in area of IT is the development of application for Malaysian cosmetics using Agile Scrum Methodology. There are three objectives of this project which are firstly to show the halal status of the cosmetic products based on JAKIM (Malaysian Halal Authority) or KKM (Ministry of Health) standards, secondly is to provide further information for user references on the dangerous ingredients that used in Malaysian cosmetic products and lastly to allow the users to make a report regarding cosmetic products and the sellers who are selling unregistered products with KKM.
Development of halal analysis method using electrical nose principles is another researches that currently progressing in ICHLAS MSU. It is based on the development of a chemistry of odor where each odor is related to the presence of a specific compound.
The holistic initiative of combining syariah knowledge with technology will benefit the halal industries, education system, Muslim communities and consumers.

Prof. Yasushi Kiyoki
Professor of Faculty of Environment and Information Studies and Graduate School of Media and Governance, KEIO University, JAPAN.
Program Chair of “Global Environmental System Leader Program (KEIO GESL)": PhD Leading Program in Ministry of Education, JAPAN.
Former Dean of Graduate School of Media and Governance, KEIO University, 2015 to 2017.
Former President of Database Society of Japan (DBSJ), 2016-2018, IPSJ (Information Society of Japan) Fellow, 2004.
5D-World Map System Creator: Global Environmental Database System, currently utilized in SDG-14, United Nations-ESCAP
Yasushi Kiyoki received his B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Keio University in 1978, 1980 and 1983, respectively. From 1984 to 1996, he was with Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics, Univ. of Tsukuba, as an assistant professor and then an associate professor. In 1990 and 1991, he was in University of California at Irvine, as a visiting researcher. Since 1996, he has been with Department of Environment and Information Studies at Keio University, and from 1998 he is currently a professor. Since 2011, he is currently a chair and coordinator of “Global Environmental System Leader Program (GESL)” in KEIO University. He was the Former Dean of Graduate School of Media and Governance, KEIO University from 2015 to 2017. He was a Former President of Database Society of Japan (DBSJ) from 2016 to 2018.
His research addresses semantic computing, environmental engineering, data mining, multimedia database systems, and knowledge base systems. His original semantic model is “Mathematical Model of Meaning (MMM),” and he has more than 130 paper publications related to MMM. He serves as the editor-in-chief on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (IOS Press) from 2002. He has also served as the program chair for several international conferences, such as the 7th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications and the European-Japanese Conferences on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (2002 – Present). He was a "Keynote speaker in 7th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing,” Sept. 2013, as the title of “A Kansei: Multimedia Computing System for Environmental Analysis and Cross-Cultural Communication.”
A Global Knowledge Sharing and Mining System For Natural and Social Environment-Analysis and Visualization with Multi-Dimensional World-Map.
Humankind, the dominant species on Earth, faces the most essential and indispensable mission; we must endeavor on a global scale to perpetually restore and improve our natural and social environments. One of the essential computations in environmental study is context-dependent semantic-computing to analyze the changes of various situations in a context dependent way with a large amount of environmental information resources. It is also significant to memorize those situations and compute environment change in various aspects and contexts, in order to discover what are happening in the nature of our planet. We have proposed a multi-dimensional computing model, the Mathematical Model of Meaning (MMM) in 1994. As a global environmental system based on MMM, we have realized “5-Dimensional World Map System” for integrating and analyzing environmental phenomena in ocean and land. We introduce the concept of “SPA (Sensing, Processing and Analytical Actuation Functions)” for realizing a global environmental system, to apply it to 5-Dimensional World Map System. This concept is effective and advantageous to design environmental systems with Physical-Cyber integration to detect environmental phenomena as real data resources in a physical-space (real space), map them to cyber-space to make analytical and semantic computing, and actuate the analytically computed results to the real space with visualization for expressing environmental phenomena, causalities and influences. The 5D World Map System is globally utilized as a Global Environmental Semantic Computing System, in SDG14, United-Nations-ESCAP:
[1] | Kiyoki, Y. Kitagawa, T. and Hayama, T.: A metadatabase system for semantic image search by a mathematical model of meaning, ACM SIGMOD Record, vol. 23, no. 4, pp.34-41, 1994. |
[2] | Kiyoki, Y., Kitagawa, T. and Hitomi, Y.: A fundamental framework for realizing semantic interoperability in a Multidatabase environment, Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, pp.3-20, John Wiley and Sons, Jan. 1995. |
[3] | Kiyoki, Y, Kitagawa, T. and Hayama, T.: A Metadatabase system for semantic image search by a mathematical model of meaning, Multimedia Data Management -- using metadata to integrate and apply digital media--, McGrawHill(book), A. Sheth and W. Klas (editors), Chapter 7, 1998. |
[4] | Kiyoki, Y. and Ishihara, S.: A Semantic Search Space Integration Method for Meta-level Knowledge Acquisition from Heterogeneous Databases, Information Modeling and Knowledge Bases (IOS Press), Vol. 14, pp.86-103, May 2002. |
[5] | Kiyoki, Y. and Chen, X., “A Semantic Associative Computation Method for Automatic Decorative-Multimedia Creation with “Kansei” Information” (Invited Paper), The Sixth Asia-Pacific Conferences on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), 9 pages, January 20-23, 2009. |
[6] | Kiyoki, Y. and Kawamoto, M., "Application of Semantic Associative Search and Space Integration Methods to Semantic Metrics of Multiple Medical Fields," Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (IOS Press), Vol. XVIII, pp.120-135, 2007. |
[7] | Kiyoki, Y., Chen, X. and Ohashi, H., "A Semantic Spectrum Analyzer for Realizing Semantic Learning in a Semantic Associative Search Space," Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (IOS Press), Vol. XVII, pp.50-67, 2006. |
[8] | Kiyoki, Y., Hosokawa, Y. and Ishibashi, N., “A Metadatabase System Architecture for Integrating Heterogeneous Databases with Temporal and Spatial Operations,'' Advanced Database Research and Development Series Vol. 10, Advances in Multimedia and Databases for the New Century, A Swiss/Japanese Perspective (World Scientific Publishing), pp.158-165, 2000. |
[9] | Kiyoki, Y. and Ishihara, S.: A Semantic Search Space Integration Method for Meta-level Knowledge Acquisition from Heterogeneous Databases, Information Modeling and Knowledge Bases (IOS Press), Vol. 14, pp.86-103, May 2002. |
[10] | Kiyoki, Y., Sasaki, S., Nhung Nguyen Trang, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep, "Cross-cultural Multimedia Computing with Impression-based Semantic Spaces", Conceptual Modelling and Its Theoretical Foundations, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp.316-328, March 2012. |
[11] | Sasaki, S., Takahashi, Y, Y., Kiyoki, Y., “The 4D World Map System with Semantic and Spatiotemporal Analyzers,” Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Vol.XXI, IOS Press, 18 pages, 2010. |
[12] | Kiyoki, Y., “(Keynote Speech) A “Kansei: Multimedia Computing System for Environmental Analysis and Cross-Cultural Communication.” Keynote Speech, 7th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Sept. 2013. |
[13] | Y. Kiyoki and X. Chen, “Contextual and Differential Computing for the Multi-dimensional World map with Spatial-Temporal and Semantic Axes”, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (IOS Press), Vol. XXV, 20 pages, March 2014. |
[14] | Yasushi Kiyoki: “Invited Talk :A Global Environment-Analysis & Computing System for Multi-dimensional World Map with Spatial-Temporal and Semantic Axes”, 6th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC) and the 6th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference (AEEC), Nov. 2013. |
[15] | Y. Kiyoki, S. Sasaki, N.N. Trang, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep, "Cross-cultural Multimedia Computing with Impression-based Semantic Spaces", Conceptual Modelling and Its Theoretical Foundations, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp.316-328, March 2012. |
[16] | Yasushi Kiyoki, Xing Chen, Shiori Sasaki and Chawan Koopipat,"Multi-Dimensional Semantic Computing with Spatial-Temporal and Semantic Axes for Multi-spectrum Images in Environment Analysis", Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Vol. XXVII, pp.14-30, 2016. |
My research papers related to semantic associative search methods and systems ("The Mathematical Model of Meaning") are accessible from the following URLs):

Assoc. Prof. Bambang Trigunarsyah
Associate Professor of Project Management, School of Property, Construction and Project Management.
RMIT University, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.
Bambang earned his BSc in Engineering (Civil) from Colorado School of Mines in the USA, a Master degree in Civil Engineering (Construction Management) from the University of Indonesia, and a PhD in Engineering Project Management from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He started his professional career as a Graduate Project Engineer at Hudbay Oil Malacca Strait Ltd., a Production Sharing Contractor for the Indonesian State Own Oil Company, in 1998. He was involved in several oil field development projects which included construction of access road and well site facilities, base camp, process plant, pipeline and offshore structures. He also coordinated two studies on road construction on peat ground. He started his full time tenure at University of Indonesia in 2001, following the completion of his PhD. In 2002 Bambang was appointed as the Deputy Head of Civil Engineering Department, and was promoted to the Head Department position in November 2004. From 2007 to 2013, Bambang took a position as Associate Professor and the Course Leaders for Master of Project Management and Master of Infrastructure Management in the School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. In August 2013, he moved to Saudi Arabia, joining King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral as Associate Professor in Construction Engineering and Management. Since July 2018, Bambang started his position at RMIT University.
Bambang research interests are in the area of: Construction management and economic, Constructability and operability of infrastructure project, Knowledge management in project based organization, Post-disaster reconstruction project management, Project and program governance, and Infrastructure project delivery and infrastructure asset management. He has co-authored more than 30 journal articles, 10 book chapters and more than 100 conference papers. He has also supervised, to completion, 22 PhD and 1 Master by Research students, as well as more than 90 Master theses.